Special Carpet Cleaning Deal December 2014

Special Carpet Cleaning Deal December 2014

Special Carpet Cleaning Deal For December 2014

special carpet cleaning deal

Special Carpet Cleaning Deal for the holidays that are fast approaching us. The days between now and the 25th of December is growing shorter by the second. At Smart Choice Cleaning we know how hectic this time of year is. You forget what you need to get done because there is just so much to do. Also, this time of the year is demanding on our budgets, but when we want the best, we always Call Smart Choice Cleaning! We wanted everyone to be able to have their family over and open Christmas presents on a clean floor. So we came up with a pricing program that is only good for the month of December 2014.

Special carpet Cleaning Deal for December 2014

2 rooms $70
3 rooms $95
Adjacent normal size halls of carpet are cleaned for free with any min. carpet cleaning. Free bottle of Spot Out with any cleaning.
Sofa $70
Love seat $50
chair $35
Fabric protector for carpet or upholstery $10 a room or per each piece of furniture.
Call us and schedule your appointment
offers good for December of 2014
Like our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/pages/Smart-Choice-Cleaning-Carpet-Upholstery to get all these great offers and all future offers.

Most Carpet Cleaners would not offer such discounts during this time of year. After all, it is a carpet cleaners busiest time of year. But we know that there are so many that need their carpets cleaned for the Holiday and budgets are just not making it easy.

This Special Carpet Cleaning Deal is here for you. The cleaning is done by our own IICRC  certified technician.

So make the Smart Choice and get your carpets cleaned for the holidays. You will be glad that you did and your family will be thankful for the clean carpets on Christmas morning.   Not to worry about getting it done and someone spilling something on it. We leave you with a free bottle of Spot Out to help clean up those spills that happen after a carpet cleaning. Our clients love this stuff. Lucy from Perry, Ohio says it is awesome. AnnMarie from Novelty, Ohio loves it so much she asked to by extra bottles. Mary from Eastlake, Ohio said it is the greatest stuff she has ever used.

We can not wait to hear from you. Call Today 440-721-7216


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